becoming lifeguard
En commentaire de l'article "Devenir nageur sauveteur"
hello, how much does it cost to get all certificates for becoming lifeguard ? Thanks in advance.
CapNatation (EIRL PES)
this is a French website informing anyone about the National Certificate for Aquatic Security and Lifesaving (BNSSA).
There are 4 tests you need to succed in to get it, but BEFORE that you need to get a certificate about First Help (Premier Secours en Équipe niveau 1 : PSE1). All these trainings are in French only.
With all this, you have the right to work as a lifeguard in public pools.
If you want to specificaly work onto a beach, either of a lake or at sea, you need a another training : SSA Eaux Intérieures, or SSA Littoral.
But first of all, get your PSE1, and then your BNSSA.
Tristan Baudon
Yes and how much does it cost ?
Tristan Baudon
Sorry it cost nothing in money to have the BNSSA